The producers were pacing, the stage manager was nowhere to be found and the director was locked in the bathroom backstage.

The musical director was sitting by a piano with no keys and no strings. 

The music was gone.

The performances were frozen and the performers spoke in some ancient dead language. 

The lighting was struggling to get to a dim and the costumes were tossed across the stage. 

A stage with no curtains, barely any light. Stage right was bleeding and stage left was flooded. 

The stage manager smiled and said, “it’ll all come together.” To deaf ears and deaf hearts.

The set designers were beside themselves, in tears over the rampage. 

The stage manager walked towards the producers and whispered something. 

The producers smiled and the stage manager walked backstage. Suddenly the theater was in repair. 

The actors acted reciting their lines, singing their songs and dancing to the music. 

The musical director played the piano and the musicians followed. 

A spotlight shone upon the center stage and the director walked on, “the show must go on.”